Energy from Waste
How Energy from Waste (EfW) Plants Work

When waste reaches an EfW plant, it is received into a pit where an overhead crane mixes it evenly and feeds a charging hopper. The waste handling area is kept under negative air pressure to avoid the escape of dust and odour. The temperature is maintained at 850oC or above, for at least two seconds, which ensures complete combustion of the waste. Energy is recovered from the hot flue gases by a boiler system, creating steam to turn a turbo-generator which feeds the electricity grid.
Design parameters

The sizing of the incinerator depends on the waste that the plant investor wants to treat. Typical parameters that designers must know are:

1. Type of Waste (Solid, Liquid or gas Waste)
2. Categories of Waste (Medical, Chemicals, Solvents, Petrochemicals, Petroleum, etc)
3. Typical Waste Characteristics (Calorific Value, Heavy Metals, Halogens, etc)
4. Quantities of Waste (Ton/hours and Ton/year)
5. Waste Variation

Business plan

Before the design of a waste incinerator starts, it is necessary to know the optimal design parameters. A business plan helps to find those parameters.

Design and engineering guidelines

The design and the engineering of an incineration plant requires a few decisive parameters. The type and amount of waste has to be known and the type of technology is then selected.
Layout of an incineration plant

The layout of an incineration plant is a general drawing of all the necessary buildings and aditional equipment. There is a building for the waste incinerator, there is a building for administration, a building for waste storage, a balance, etc. Everything must comply with to the aplicabe and very strict law.

Engineering guidelines and materials
  Our plant are designed according to EU laws, norms and codes of practice using the metric system of units. Plant supplied outside the EU are of course be adapted where necessary to comply with local codes of practice. But the most important aspect in engineering of a waste incinerator is the technical creativity.

Emission measurements and instrumentation
  Emissions are politically the most important problem of a waste incinerator, this is why the emission regulations are changing fast in economically growing countries. The EU emission regulations are the most strict in the world. This is why it is adviced to design the plant according to the EU regulation, if the law changes, your installation will not be easlily out-dated.

Software and control systems
  To operate the plant safely, the software or control system automatically takes care for all interllocks. It is for example not possible to heat up the installation in 3 hours, thermal expansion and friction of different type of materials of the incinerator would damage the plant. The control system takes care that everything has the correct temperature before heating from for ex. 465 degr. C to 600 degr. C.