Thursday, February 4, 2016

Clean and Renewable Energy

Waste to Energy (WtE) is a process that takes Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), i.e. household trash, and transfers it into combustion chambers where it is burned at high temperatures and reduced to 10% of its original volume. The heat generated from the combustion chambers heats up water in steel tubes that form the walls of the combustion chambers. The water is turned to steam and sent through a turbine that continuously generates electricity.
The Waste to Energy (WtE) industry has been in existence for over 25 years and has developed state-of-the-art technology making it one of the cleanest forms of energy generation. The advanced technology in combusting waste is the air quality (emission) control system. Waste to Energy (WtE) facilities meet or exceed the strictest standards and employ a multi-step process to achieve superior environmental performance.
While recycling is a preferred first step in the waste management process, not all waste can be recycled. After recycling, there are two proven options for disposal: bury waste in a landfill or use the advanced Waste to Energy (WtE) process to turn our growing amount of trash into clean, renewable power.
WtE facilities provide communities with a clean source of power generation, minimal disturbance to surrounding neighborhoods, and a safe and effective solution for managing local trash generation. In communities where WtE facilities are located, the recycling rates are higher than the average level. WtE alleviates the reliance on landfills and the long distance shipping of trash. Re-using household waste to power generators decreases our dependence on fossil fuels and avoids the pollutants that would have been emitted in its place.

The chart shows the environment benefits in an effective way.

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